Tokyo Ghoul Wiki
Tokyo Ghoul Wiki

Nishiki Nishio's elder sister (true name unknown) was a ghoul. She was killed after she was betrayed by the shop manager she was working for.


In the anime, she had shoulder length hair that was similar in colour to that of her brother Nishiki.


Gourmet Arc[]

She is shown in a flashback in this arc during Nishiki's confrontation with Tsukiyama. She is seen living with her brother in a worn out tent and acts as a parental and caring figure to Nishiki, teaching him to accept the fact that to survive, human flesh consumption is vital when the latter expressed desires not to kill and eat humans. This, however, does not stop her from interacting with humans in their world, going as far as to dating an affluent shop owner to be able to live more comfortably. Tragically, her secret is discovered and she is killed by the CCG when the very same human she was dating reported her. This human was then later killed by Nishiki as an act of revenge.

